Monday, September 30, 2019

Sex Ed Reduces Teen Pregnancy

We have all heard it, parents, teachers, and students, gossiping about the latest young girl to become pregnant in high school. They make comments like, â€Å"What was she thinking† or â€Å"Her parents must be so disappointed. † Did anyone question if she had been properly educated on the risks of sexual activity or if she had been provided with medically correct information? No one stops to think about the big picture; instead they choose to be judgmental and critical of other’s decision-making skills, or lack thereof. That’s where sexual education comes in. Teenage pregnancy, along with sex education continues to be a highly controversial subject, especially with regards to when and where it should be taught. Much of the debate comes from the two types of education, abstinence-only or comprehensive, also known as abstinence-plus. Abstinence-only education promotes sexual abstinence until marriage, leaving out crucial topics like birth control and condoms. A comprehensive curriculum includes education on the use of contraceptives while maintaining a basis of abstinence. Although there has been a steady decline in the United States teen birth rate, it remains higher than many other developed countries. Statistics show that sexually active teens in the United States are less likely to use varying forms of contraception and are more likely to become pregnant, than those of other equal nations (Rubin). Partially to blame is the United States government, which supports the abstinence-only approach; therefore, most schools are not required to teach subject matter that surpasses that concept (Stanger). Media, although equally controversial, can play a vital role in opening the door for parents to engage in conversation with their children. According to Rachel Canter, executive director of Mississippi First, â€Å"An effective, comprehensive sex education program starts with a base of abstinence but includes medically accurate information about contraception and health† (Pettus). The research is proven; comprehensive sex education reduces teenage pregnancy. Not only are most schools lacking in the information that is covered in their curriculums, some are providing medically incorrect information to students. A recent report revealed that 30% of schools instruct that birth control does not prevent pregnancy (Rubin). In 2009, a lawsuit was filed against a Fresno county school district in California for violating state law by only teaching about abstinence, and for using textbooks that were not in compliance with that law, which requires medically accurate information be taught, along with methods to prevent pregnancy and diseases. With one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in California, parents were compelled to do something to protect their children (Watanabe). According to a recent survey, more than half of adults questioned feel that federally funded programs should offer more education about contraception and three-quarters of those wish education included information about both abstinence and contraception (Teens). If statistics prove that abstinence education is ineffective at preventing pregnancy and most adults are on board with a more comprehensive approach, maybe lawmakers should take that information into account when developing policies about sex education. A step in that direction would be requiring that curriculums include a more comprehensive style. Abstinence-only programs tend to leave out valuable information such as contraception, which some believe sends the wrong message to students (Stanger). Although abstinence programs play an important role in comprehensive education, there is little evidence to support that these curriculum alone help reduce teenage pregnancy. According to Lisa Wirthman, a Denver journalist, â€Å"By trying to scare and shame kids and withholding critical health information, abstinence-only programs treat teens like toddlers† (Wirthman). A report released this year by the Centers for Disease Control reveals that nearly 50% of pregnant teenagers denied using contraception. Furthermore, 30% were under the impression that they could not get pregnant, while others simply â€Å"misunderstood how one gets pregnant and the risk of becoming pregnant after unprotected intercourse† (Brakman). Therefore, it can be concluded that many young people are under informed about their sexual health and lack proper decision making skills regarding their sexual behaviors. Studies show that states that support the abstinence-only approach to sex education tend to have higher teenage pregnancy and birth rates as compared to those who support a more comprehensive approach. Nevada, having one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in the nation, does not mandate that contraceptive methods and condom use be included in their curriculum (Stanger). Likely, if it is not required, most schools will not cover such aspects in its studies. The majority of supporters of these programs do not acknowledge that many students will become sexually active during their teenage years. It is inevitable that teenagers are going to have sex, choosing to ignore that fact by not teaching them the proper methods to protect themselves is negligent. Abstinence-only education fails at teaching students many important aspects of sexual health. Those included are, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy prevention and contraception. Much of the information provided in these programs is misleading and medically inaccurate, leaving students uninformed and at risk (Watanabe). The typical abstinence curriculum lectures that the only way to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases is to â€Å"abstain† from such behaviors that may result in either of the two. While this is truthful, little to no information is provided to students about how to protect themselves if they choose to participate in these activities, leaving them at high risk for unplanned pregnancy. . According to Congress, it was found that abstinence-only programs provide misconceptions of reproductive health and a lack of proper decision-making tools, therefore, promoting irresponsible behavior (Stanger). A study by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy shows that nearly 8 out of 10 teenagers believe they are properly informed on how to prevent pregnancy, yet confess to knowing hardly anything at all about contraception and condoms (Teens). As statistics like this show, young people are, in general, naive about many aspects of their sexual health and require a more all-encompassing education to be able to make appropriate decisions regarding their sexual wellbeing. A common misconception about ‘sex-ed’ is that it only includes information about sexual intercourse; however, it incorporates a variety of topics. These include, but are not limited to, anatomy, reproduction, body image, relationships, and safe sex practices. Comprehensive sex education, or abstinence-plus, includes a wide array of age-appropriate, evidence-based, medically accurate information to enable teenagers to make well-informed decisions about their overall health, while still advocating that abstinence is the only true method to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (Wirthman). Not only does comprehensive education provide insight to multiple sex-health topics, it also stresses the importance of delaying sexual behaviors. To the disbelief of abstinence-only supporters, studies show that students that are taught comprehensive sex education are no more likely to be infected with sexually transmitted diseases, than those taught only about abstinence. Also contrary to pro-abstinence belief, those that are taught a more comprehensive approach have a lower risk of becoming pregnant teenagers (Stanger). One study revealed that of those who are taught more comprehensively, 40% waited to have sex and more than 60% used protection (Wirthman). It is obvious that the more educated students are about the risks associated with sexual activity, the better decisions they make. A recent survey revealed that 38% of teenagers are more influenced by their parents regarding their decisions about sex (Teens). As stated by Emily Pettus, some legislators argue that sex education, including contraception and condoms, should be taught at home, not by the education system (Pettus). This is also where much of the debate is centered. However, teenagers typically do not open up to their parents about sexual activity and many parents tend to bury their heads in the sand and act like it is not happening with their children. Often times, parents and teenagers are unsure about how to discuss the somewhat awkward subject of sex, so they do not talk about it at all. Therefore, education is often left up to teenagers’ peers and other typically inaccurate sources. One study revealed that nearly 90% of young people think if they could have open conversations with their parents about sex, it would be easier to postpone sexual activity. Also, nearly 80% of parents wish their kids would talk to them about sex so that they can provide them with the proper resources to protect themselves (Teens). Kathrin Stanger, professor at the University of Georgia states, â€Å"If teens don’t learn about human reproduction, including safe sexual health practices to prevent unintended pregnancies and STDs, and how to plan their reproductive adult life in school, then when should they learn it, and from whom? † (Stanger). Parents, along with the education system, can provide accurate, age-appropriate information to teenagers to help empower them to make healthy, responsible choices; however, when both of these options fall short, teenagers often turn to the media as a source of education. Many critics often accuse the media of promoting teenage pregnancy, and even glamorizing it. However, little thought is given as to what the benefit of these shows might be. The more teens are watching, the more producers are showing. Nevertheless, there might be some advantages to the influence media has on its young viewers, especially regarding pregnancy (Suellentrop). Although some parents believe the media creates a false sense of reality by glorifying teenage pregnancy, they often fail to realize that such television shows can actually help bridge the conversation gap between them and their children. Two of the television shows popular amongst high school students are MTV’s Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant. Both are reality shows that follow several young girls and their daily struggles as pregnant teenagers and young parents. A recent study by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy revealed interesting results when they asked teenagers their thoughts about such shows. The results revealed a surprising 40% talked to a parent about the show after watching and most agreed that becoming teenage parents would have an overall negative impact on their lives (Suellentrop). If watching these episodes results in teenagers talking to their parents about sex, then ultimately it can be a positive influence, not only by seeing the struggles that young parents face, but by giving parents and teenagers an opportunity to openly discuss their views and opinions about sex and relationships. Research shows that episodes such as these can be used in a positive manner to teach young people about the risks of becoming pregnant and how their lives could change drastically. Also, it seems that teenagers are willing to discuss these shows with their parents, allowing the opportunity to engage in educational conversations with their teenagers. Clearly, the media influences its viewers; however, advantage can be taken to properly inform today’s youth of the risks of sexual behavior while presenting information in an alluring way (Suellentrop). Although there has been a steady decline in the U. S. een birth rate, it remains higher than many other countries. Students are more educated and are therefore making more informed decisions about sex (Kann).    How can we expect teenagers to make appropriate, well-informed decisions regarding their sexual health if we do not give them the proper education and factual information to do so? The statistics show that â€Å"evidence-based sex education works,† so why go against the grain? (Wirthman). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more teenagers are using birth control, which has help lead the way to a record low birthrate, and the numbers of hose using contraception keep rising. Also leading to the decline, is â€Å"more effective† sex education, according to Leslie Kantor, vice president of education for Planned Parenthood (Tulumello). Hopefully in the future, additional school districts will adopt a more comprehensive approach to their curriculums, as it is shown to be much more effective in reducing teenage pregnancy than abstinence-only education. Telling a teenager not to experiment is like a meteorologist saying there is a 50% chance of rain. Yo u hope it does not rain; however, you bring an umbrella just in case it does. As much as we would like to believe that teenagers will not have sex, it is likely that they will engage in some type of sexual behavior in high school and providing them with accurate, age-appropriate information is vital. Sexual education can come from many avenues, including parents, schools, and the media. Comprehensive sex education will not stop the occurrence of teenage pregnancy 100%, but by adequately educating teenagers on safe sex practices, and providing them with medically accurate information, today’s youth are able make healthy, well-informed decisions regarding their sexual well being.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Haugen Julia versus Winston Contrast Essay Essay

In 1984, by George Orwell, the two main characters, Julia and Winston, provide a telling thrill to the readers through their passion for each other and for rebellion. Through further character analysis, one can see that Julia and Winston share similar characteristics, like rebelling against the party. But in many more ways are they very different. The brown-haired Julia, with voluptuous curves puts up a front that she is a part of the Junior Anti-Sex league and is as orthodox about the Parties values and one can get. Upon further reading the book, Julia develops into a promiscuous, rebellious girl but does not seem to care about upsetting the government, but only wanting to have the ability to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. She explains to Winston about how she just wants to be able to do what she desires, like eating a piece of chocolate or marrying somebody she loves, whenever she wants. Examples of Julia’s concern for herself are evident when Winston is reading to Julia, Goldstein’s book, and she falls asleep. This shows that she doesn’t share the same fascination as Winston so obviously does. Even so the only rebellious branch about Julia is that she is â€Å"only a rebel from the waist down† (page 179, chapter 5) meaning to say that the only reason she’s considered naughty in the eyes of the Thought Police and Party is because she likes to have casual sex. Winston, on the other hand, is rebellious and careful mentally. He is different from Julia in that he does want to upset the order of the government and he does want to have sex, but to him it means more than just an embrace of passion, it means showing the Party that they are doing something that is considered illegal in the eyes of the Thought Police and that they are able to get away with it. He demonstrates this ability to get away with things by reading Goldstein’s book, buying the paperweight, having sex with Julia, which further proves his yearning to overthrow the Party and Big Brotherhood. As Winston reads the book, he is fascinated with what Goldstein has to say and how Ingsoc came to be in the first place, by the modification of Goldstein’s ideas. As the two main characters of this book, it does seem fitting to have two  characters that are willing to do imaginable things that might get them vaporized by the Thought Police to be together and share some of the same values. Even though Julia and Winston share the same ideas in some ways, upon further character analysis, there are some startling differences between those two.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Addressing Challenges of Groups and Teams Essay

The use of teams in the workplace is continuing to grow because teams work more efficiently and are effective (Robbins & Judge, 2011). However with teams challenges and benefits present with group and team communication, collaboration, and conflict can arise. The Enron Corporation failed to have an effective plan to promote communication, collaboration, and address conflict. The following will review a plan that outlines the benefits and challenges of groups and team through the promotion of communication, collaboration, and address conflict. Creating an Effective Team  Three elements of an effective team are categorized as contextual, composition, and process (Robbins & Judge, 2011). The effectiveness of the team is dependent on the three elements collectively working together to form the team effectiveness. Contextual Factors The contextual factors determine the success of the team. The factors considered contextual are adequate resources, leadership and structure, climate of trust, and performance evaluation and reward system (Robbins & Judge, 2011). The adequate resources for a team begin with proper training about team development and how to work within a team. The team is supported by the organization and has the proper assistance to complete the tasks. The training plan for Enron begins with support from the organization. The team is supported by the executive leadership throughout the corporation. The failure of Enron resulted from the lack of executive leadership to support the ethical business practices within the organization. Therefore, an effective training plan with the support of the executive leadership is the key to success of ethical business practices throughout the organization. Leadership within a team is the key to the success of the team. See more:  Manifest Destiny essay Enron Corporation executive leadership failed to act as a leader and set the organizational objective for conducting business. The leader within the team helps the team define the shared objectives, member skills, and role clarity for the team members (Yukl, 2010). The leader of the team helps to establish the climate of trust among the members of the team. The climate of trust was not established throughout the Enron Corporation because the executive leadership knowingly engaged in accounting fraud and formation of illegal partnerships. The training plan allows each aspect of the contextual element to support the training plan for ethics throughout the organization. Composition Factors The composition factors of the effective team are composed of the abilities of the team members, personality of the members, and allocation of members. The team members have different skills and abilities identified and properly used to allow the member the reach the fullest potential as a member of the team. Identifying skills and abilities allows the proper allocation of roles (Robbins & Judge, 2011). Personality of members may have an effect on the team ability to complete tasks. Members of the team must be aware of their own personality to begin understanding how personality of others offers contributions to the team. Measuring emotional intelligence can help with self-reflection. â€Å"Emotional intelligence reflects the ability to read and understand others in social contexts, to detect nuances of emotional reactions, and to utilize such knowledge to influence others through emotional regulation and control† (Prati, Douglas, Ferris, Ammeter, & Buckley, 2003, p. 21). Therefore, leaders with high emotional intelligence assures self-reflection and reflection of others to determine the most appropriate way to interact with others. Team Processes The final element of effective teams is team processes. The team processes define the purpose and plan of the team. The processes set the goal for the team. Team efficacy occurs with continued success of the team. Team processes also provide plans for handling conflict as it occurs within the team. Applying the Training Program for Enron Enron’s collapse resulted from unethical business practices. The executive leadership within the corporation participated in the accounting fraud and hiding financial losses of the corporation. Enron’s code of ethics for the company should have served as a guide for employees ethically to conduct business practices. However, a waiver is included in the code of ethics that allowed the organization to engage in activities seen as a conflict of interest at the discretion of the chief executive officer (Elson & Gyves, 2003). The executive leadership failed to implement organizational behavior to instill ethical business practices throughout the company (Robbins & Judge, 2011). The initial step to applying the training plan is communication. Communication among the members of a team and a corporation serve as the first step toward success. Communication among the members of the team can occur through electronic mail, memos, and face-to-face meetings (Robbins & Judge, 2011). The leader of the team is responsible for communication between the team and the executive leadership. Communication serves to engage members of the organization, implement change, and establish a checks and balances systems. The Enron Corporation failed to communicate effectively throughout the organization. This lack of communication gave opportunity for the executive leadership to conduct unethical business practices. Collaboration among the members of an organization and team build the cohesiveness of the team and stimulate creativity to solve problems. Using collaboration to build the cohesion of the team keeps each team committed to the goals and mission of the organization. Collaboration will also help to maintain ethical business practices by assuring members of the organization responsible for the accounting and business practices are using checks and balances to report information accurately. Conflict is expected to arise in team and group work. Therefore, the leader must be dedicated to addressing conflict and guiding the team through the conflict. Failure to address conflict can lead to failure of the team (Robbins & Judge, 2011). The leader of the team will use the conflict process to work through conflict. The training plan for Enron that included managing conflict can help to address unethical business practices prior to occurrence. Through the use of internal and external audits deficiencies and conflicts can be identified and addressed before unethical business practices are implemented. Conclusion Communication, collaboration, and conflict management are keys to the success of teams and businesses. Enron failed to communicate, collaborate, and management conflict leading to the failure of a corporation. Enron allowed executive leaders to stifle communication, collaboration, and conflict management to hide fraudulent accounting practices. The implementation of a training plan supportive of communication, collaboration, and conflict management may have identified and addressed issues leading to the success rather than the failure of Enron Corporation.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Solar power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Solar power - Essay Example solar power market (Clean Energy Group and Smart Power 10).The solar power market has grown in the recent past but more needs to be done to sensitize consumers on its existence. One of the ways to ensure that solar power is attractive to individual consumers is by launching an advertising campaign based on solar energy’s characteristics. The unique features of solar such as it is the most abundant source of energy should be taken advantage of by advertisers. A television or radio commercial will appeal to a larger portion of the market. The prospective consumers who watch or listen to television or radio will be reached. There several ways through which United States government make solar power affordable to its citizens. The first on is offering subsidies to solar power companies. This would consecutively reduce the costs of producing solar panels, translating into lowered prices for solar panels, as well as, acquisition, and installation (Sunhot n.p). This would make solar power affordable to the citizens and more competitive in the market. Secondly, United States’ government needs to establish and implement policies that are favorable for solar power improvement and development. Lastly, the government needs to encourage research, creativity, economies of scale, and better technological solar systems that will sequentially reduce production costs (Office of energy efficiency and renewable energy n.p). The effectiveness of solar energy is, however, subject to discussion. The major limitation to its effectiveness is the fact that, solar can only produce power during the day which can further be reduced by cloud cover. Secondly, materials used in making solar panels, cadmium and lead, are considered harmful (Zachary n.p). When disposing solar panels one needs to be keen not to expose cadmium to the soil, to prevent it from leeching into the underground waters. Lastly, currently the costs of installing solar arrays for an entire home might be costly. This

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The future of Private and Public pension provision in the next five Essay

The future of Private and Public pension provision in the next five years in Mauritius - Essay Example Pension system is Mauritius was established in the early 1950s, non-contributory pensions are now received by the majority of the residents aged over 60 (Willmore, 2003, Vittas, 2003). Since 1974 pension coverage in the country has been universal, i.e. there is a fixed division into four age groups (60-74 years old; 75-85; 86-99 and 100+, due to overall longevity in the state). The average basic universal pension is about 57 USD (Bailey, 2004, Gopee, 2006). In Mauritius, non-occupational pension consists of several components, such as Basic Retirement Pension, the National Pensions Fund and the Civil Service Pension Scheme and is regulated by strong legal basis (Philip, 1995). Non-occupational pension schemes include basic retirement pension, financed from general taxes, and its current ratio constitutes 3 per cent of annual GDP, but an estimated ratio for 2020 is 6 per cent (GAD, 2001a), due to the ageing trends in population structure. National Pensions Fund is also a part of non-occupational pension provision, as the NPF is an obligatory model which takes into account all private sector organizations employees, excepting those who gain very low wages and some workers involved into sugar industry. Compulsory contributions constituting about 3-9 per cent of overall earnings result in the accumulation of points on the basis of the declared cost of a point for the certain period (Willmore, 2003). National Savings Fund is a third compone nt of non-occupational pension provision and requires of participants certain contributions (2-3 per cent of income) on the mandatory basis (Mauritius Modernizing and Advanced Pension System, 2004). The NSF funds are normally invested into government security, thus the resources themselves are not accumulated, but spent immediately after the employee’s contribution. The other universal social aids and assistances under the NPS’s responsibility include: 1)

Juvenile Justice Authority in Maine Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Juvenile Justice Authority in Maine - Term Paper Example The juvenile justice system in Maine is functional inside the greater juvenile justice framework of the United States. The theory behind this framework is based on extensive research, experience, and sociological introspection. Critical theorists and sociologists hold juvenile delinquency and juvenile justice in the terms of a class structured capitalist society. â€Å"They point to economic and social inequalities that increase the probability of lower-class youth turning to crime because so few opportunities are open to them. Critical criminologists contend that the origin of the concept of delinquency and juvenile justice in America is based on economic and class differences.† (Hesse and Lawrence, 2010, p. 59) The juvenile justice authority in Maine practically implements the conceptual framework based on this theoretical perspective. Under the auspices of Maine Department of Corrections (MDOC), the juvenile services of the state seek to establish a society oriented approac h that will give rise to a collaborative and supportive social system including the individuals along with their communities and families. Thus, the factors that put children at risk can be addressed and necessary action can be taken in proper time. Technically, the resultant functionary is both proactive and amply oriented to the social needs. The Maine Department of Corrections (MDOC) regulates juvenile justice in the state through its Division of Juvenile Services, which is the main juvenile justice authority in the region. In their publication Taking Measure, the authorities have explicitly explained their mission in the following words: â€Å"To promote public safety by ensuring that juvenile offenders are provided with education, treatment and other services that teach skills and competencies.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

History of the hologram Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

History of the hologram - Essay Example Bassov and A. Prokhorov and American scientist Charles Towns, in 1960 (Johnston). Later on, the laser, producing a high level of coherent light source, was used in 1962 in Gabor’s experiment, and the scientists, Emmett Leith and Juris Upatnieks, produced a transmission hologram with a bird and toy train. It was a three dimensional hologram, which could only be seen with a laser. A reflection hologram was produced in the same year by Uri N. Denisyuk, to view which ordinary light was used instead of the laser beam. However, in 1968, Stephen A. Benton produced a transmission hologram which could be viewed in ordinary light like that of a bulb. Hence, the production of embossed holograms started on a massive scale. In 1972, a moving hologram was produced by Lloyd Cross, in which he marked sequential streams of moving objects onto a holographic film instead of the conventional picture film. Hence, the history of hologram starts back from

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Does an orientation tour along with fall prevention education for Coursework

Does an orientation tour along with fall prevention education for family members and patients on admission day lower the rate of falls of patients in long term care - Coursework Example Research that has been conducted indicates that fall prevention can have short and long term effects (Gregory, 2013). Among the methods that have been applied to prevent falls in hospitals is the education on the patients and also family members. Patients together with their families are educated on the causes of falls and the available interventions. The expectation of the family that their relative will not fall again after treatment should get managed with care. The program used in the pedagogical efficacy was used to investigate the results of the education program in the intervention process. The education process in the hospitals was found to have successfully worked in a hospital setup. The number of patients who experienced falls was found to have drastically reduced (Healey & Darowski, 2012). The use of education in the prevention process has made efforts to promote positivity in self-identity of the patient. It has also made efforts to urge the patient to adopt the post-discharge falls strategies due to the benefits they possess. The nurse can make the use written of video materials to educate the patients and should have the design principles of adult learning. The nurse should also have discussions with the patient and make the recommendations on the presented materials. After the discussion, there should also be follow up on the patient. After a period of two weeks, the nurse should check the patient to see the progress and also reinforce the education (Jeske et al., 2006) Another method that was used in the control of falls is orienting the patients to the facility. Before the patients get admitted in their respective rooms, the nurse showed them around. The location of the bathroom was made known to the patient. The nurse call system is also made known to the patient. The nurse call system should be at a place where the patient can easily access the machine together with other important items. Patients at high risk of experiencing falls

Monday, September 23, 2019

Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 18

Business Ethics - Essay Example Business is a system of moral doctrines applied in the commercial world. Business ethics is a whole new scientific area since it merges politics and law theory as much as historical documents and philosophical. Ethics becomes a term rely on flexible and have several different aspects. It gives rules for acceptable behavior by business in both their day-to-day operations and strategy formulation (Shaw, 2008). An ethical approach is becoming essential both for business success and a positive corporate image, and this is easily enhanced through various Judeo-Christian values and biblical doctrines. Especially nowadays ethics in the organization are obligated since many businessmen are only fascinated in making money despite the harm they would probably cause to people, the ethical costs environmental pollution. Many businesses in contemporary society are making public commitment and pledge to ethical business by designing codes of conduct and operating standards the truth is Judeo-Chris tian values and biblical doctrines should be their main basis. Judeo-Christian values and biblical doctrines incorporate the common ethical guidelines of Christianity and Judaism, such as the Ten Commandments. It has been an essential part of U.S civil religion and is often used to enhance inter-religious cooperation and basis for business ideologies. It covers the common ethical standards of Judaism and Christianity, such as the Ten Commandments. It has been a segment of American civil religion and is used to promote inter-religious cooperation (Shaw, 2008).Judeo-Christian values and biblical doctrines emphatically teach in clarity the great importance of the preservation of human life and respect. This should form the basis of the business ethics and can help foster good relation. If business does not grant this respect and protection for the born and unborn in their operations then

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Two Party System Essay Example for Free

The Two Party System Essay What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two-party system in the UK? The two- party system is not a new practice in British politics. Britain has been living under a two party system since the mid-seventeenth Century. However, this system is still a foundation of most ideas of British politics. Other than America, Britain is one of the only major countries that have a two party system. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this system? Is Britain afraid to change its system? If this system has been around for so long, it is because it has many advantages. First of all, the system advantages big parties with more seats. When a party wins an election, whether he has won by a majority or not, he gets a majority of seats. For example, when Labour won in 1997, they got 60% of the seats, although they had not won the election by a majority. This advantages the party because more seats mean more power and they can then impose their ideas on other parties and always be sure to pass legislation. This leads to our second advantage; a stronger executive. With this majority of seats, the party can, as we said before, pass on their laws easily, but also resist ministers. This advantages the voter as he is sure that the party he voted for will be making the law. For example, if Mr. Smith voted for Labour in the 1997 elections, then he is obviously in favour of their ideas and laws. So, when they make new decisions when they are in power, Mr. Smith is likely to be in favour of them, and so has a better chance of having the legislation passed. The voter is therefore privileged. Another advantage is that the voter has a clear choice. Because there is only one party elected, the elector can follow what the party is doing, i.e. whether it is keeping its promises or not. If the party does not do what it promised it would, then the voter can then hold it responsible at the next election. And because there is no coalition in British Government, then only one party can be responsible. For example: Lets say Conservatives promise during their campaign to make sensible decisions during conflicts. Then comes a conflict between Ireland and Northern Ireland. Conservatives, now in power, decide to bomb Northern Ireland. Because of this, the conflict becomes much harsher which leads to a war between Britain and Northern Ireland. The voter is then aware of the mistake Conservatives have made, and therefore can dismiss Conservatives at the next election. Although the two party system has these advantages, it seems to have more disadvantages. First of all, voters have a very limited choice when it comes to elections. In Britain there are various parties, but only two have been in power until now: Labour and Conservatives. Therefore, the voter seems to be obligated to choose between one and the other. And since they are opposites, they have completely different views. Its black or white. There is the party of Liberal Democrats, but the number of people voting for them is too little to be taken into consideration (hence the two-party system). For example: If Labour are arguing that Health Services should be 100% public and Conservatives want it to be 100% private, what will Mrs. Johnson do if she wants it half/half? It will be very hard for her to know who to vote for. The choice is too limited and therefore the two party system should be changed. Secondly, we may think that having a one party government makes it stronger and more stable, but in fact, in times of crisis, coalition is vital. And it is hard to believe that millions of individual voters all consciously coordinate and have the same ideas than the party. It is true that during the two great wars and during the 1931 economic crisis, British Government had to resort to coalition. It is too hard for one party alone to make all the decisions at times of war. Another drawback of the two party system is that all other parties are disadvantaged; the number of seats are not proportional to the percentage of votes a party has won. If a party wins an election, whether he had a majority of votes or not, he will get a majority of seats. This is unfair and undemocratic. Other parties get a very small number of seats and so hardly get a say during conferences. For example: Lets say during the 2003 elections, Labour get 44% of the votes, Conservatives get 31%, Liberal Democrats get 18% and the last 7% go to various parties. Labour are going to get 60% of the seats, Conservatives around 20%, Liberal Democrats around 10% and the rest will go to the other parties remaining. This is unfair as Labour did not get a majority of votes, and therefore should not win a majority of seats. The strongest disadvantage of this two party system is the First Past the Post election system. In Britain, the party who wins the election is the one that gets the most votes. If Conservatives get elected with 41% of the votes, while Labour got 36%, Liberal Democrats got 21% and remaining parties got 2%, then Britain will have a Government that only 41% of the country agrees with. Therefore 59% of the country will be dissatisfied. This is absurd and completely undemocratic. In France, a candidate can only be elected if he has an absolute majority (over 50% plus one vote). This way, it is certain that at least half of the population is satisfied. Moreover, the President has to elect a Prime Minister from the opposite party. Therefore there is a coalition between the two parties and voters are contented. Although the electoral system in Britain hasnt changed in years, it seems that there are more disadvantages than advantages in it. It is treating parties unequally, and this is unacceptable for a 21st Century Society. I think it is important to change this system, and then we will have a better chance of expressing our opinions through our elected parties. Politics is about freedom of expression and this system completely spoils our freedom. A State without the means of some change is without the means of its conservation. Edmund Burke

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Evaluating the styles of leadership

Evaluating the styles of leadership In operation of an organization, leadership styles of the leader have significant influence to the efficiency and quality of work done. When leaders demonstrate an effective and consistent leadership style, he could easily encourage his subordinates to do better to achieve better results. Therefore, in the first part of this report, we will consider about different leadership styles of Mark and Forgan, through which we can easily see the influence and impact that the different leadership styles can create over the activities of the organization. The leadership theories and evaluate the styles of leadership Leadership style strongly affects on how people work, how the company achieves the delegated goals and how people are willing to dedicate their experience, knowledge and passion for the company. There are many dimensions to leadership and many possible ways to build up the best leadership style. But the first way is to learn and then, cleverly apply in the practical situation of the company. A leader should have the ability as well as behavior. They must understand the role and its mission not only to the group, both the company and themselves. For work, leaders need to know to select the qualified members, and then take measures to encourage them to work efficiently. The working group is inevitable conflicts will occur so the task of a leader is to know how to keep peace between group members. Clarify the issues to find solutions. Role for task of managing is encouraging and look for information about the groups task then diagnostic solutions, the opportunities, threats when perform ing this task.Next followed by consultation with other members. The last one is evaluation to choice the best method to solve this task. For individual, the leaders also need to achieve their own goals for personal development. Then get feedback from others about the strengths and weakness, counseling you and drawing on experience as well as goals to training. There is also a contingency approach to leadership. A contingency approach to leadership is mention about the ability to lead influence others of leaders. This ability is influence by these factors: Personality, leadership style and leader position of the leader. The abilities, experiences and preference of leadership style of subordinates The requirements and level of complication of tasks. Effectively communicate visions, goals and values to colleagues and promote understanding of how delegated objectives support these. A vision is an idealized picture of the future organization and it expresses the organizations reason for existence. Visions grab people and then bring them into the fold. When a leaders vision is effective and strong, employees and stakeholders get caught up in what they are doing, absorb the vision, and commit themselves to the goals and the values of the leaders. The roles leadership is importance who influences the others to contribute voluntarily to the achievement of group task in given situation. They is to direct the group toward their goals .In currently, they set up a vision, goals, object, task for group. In currently, leadership set up goals for group. According to Mark and Forgan, we can conclude the objective and vision of Mark and Forgan for the team operation as follow: Vision: As the company prepares to launch a large scale state of the art residential apartment block, help team members develop their own capabilities. Goal: the goal to achieve sales of eighty percent of the units available, trying to finish the job finished on time. Value: Mark summoned the team to his office for a big dressing down for failing to hit the target. Never once did he commend them for their effort, for braving the weather, for going without food. How Mark and Forgan promotes understanding of how delegated objectives support the vision, goals values Objectives are the elements which can decide the organization to be or not to be. Objectives play a supreme important role in managing and making an organization profitable. Its like a lighthouse which tells the company where to go and if we dont know where we are going, then the company cannot develop. Pre-set objectives provide a basis for planning and management control related to the activities of the organization. When objectives have been set, emphasized and stated clearly, then its communicated to all members of the company. Objectives at different levels within the company contribute to alternatives for decision-making. If the goal to achieve sales of eighty percent of the units available, then the team leader will analyzed his team to know what his teams strengths are and what his teams weaknesses are. Then he will understand the situation of his team and find out the solutions for achieving the objectives. When he understands every detail of his team, he will communicate to his people better, letting them understand the goals, vision and values of the company. Then team members will be aware of their tasks and responsibilities. Pre-set objectives provide guidelines for the team leader in decision-making and justification for actions taken. They help to develop commitment of individuals and groups to the activities of the organization. They focus attention on purposeful behavior and provide a basis for motivation and reward systems. Enthuse and motivate colleagues to achieve objectives Motivated employees help organizations survive. Motivated employees are more productive. To be effective, managers need to understand what motivates employees within the context of the roles they perform. In a team, the leader has to understand employee motivation and motivation theories to carry out the relevant methods to motivate their team members. The motivation methods of team leaders are part of motivation culture of the company. Efforts of staff will help a company attain their goals and objectives, the individual employees also have objectives in their life and it is different from the companies objectives, it means that the staff must be motivated to satisfy their objectives which effect to the companies goal. There are four forms of power that companies of Forgan anh Mark can use to motivate staffs by empowering them: Information: giving the information for staffs so that they can change their way of doing things. The next thing is: empowering them, the motivation for the change would be intrinsic and the decision is made independently. Expertise: this demonstrates how to perform a task. The staffs see the task and decide whether he is able to do the task or not. Personality: the staffs will change in behaviour when they hear the request from the leader, it is intrinsically motivated, and the staff is independent of the leader. Moral power: the leader has communicated a shared set of values and obligations for staffs. These values can be a mission statement or vision. (Course Book, p.109, 110) Promote confidence among colleagues to engage with change The change is necessary if that organization does not operate efficiently. When the organization should adjusts to fit environmental context. If not changed, they will not work properly with the old method again. To promote confidence among colleagues, Mark and Forgan should pay attention on how to prepare a effective team because the an effective team will affect well to work performance, decision-making, cohesiveness among members and so on, The effects will help promote the confidence among colleagues. Mark and Forgan should focus on the issues below involve increasing cohesiveness among members within on the team to they can be more confident when having changes within the organization. Clear objective and agreed goal: that means Mark and Forgan should give the members within a team a specific quantitative goals and objectives, such as, required level of performances, the deadline for the competing the work and so on. It will effective to the members behaviour upon the works. It will effect to the member effort for doing required works. Beside, the members will be lack of vagueness in getting requirement and quality of work, so the members will feel more confident when they work, and the belief of members to the company will be improve Openness and confrontation: Mark and Forgan should create more opportunities to the members within the team can interact together. It will help for the members can study skill and experiences together, they will develop and improve thanks to the interaction. Therefore, they feel more interested and confident in the work Support and trust: a supportive environment can create more than interest in the team, the members will be more trust upon the success of work, and the support from the superior will help the members prevent many problems such as, missed deadline, weak accountability, cost overrun and so on of which will create the worry when they do the work. appropriate leadership: this relates to members motivation, Project managers who should exchanges and takes the members views into account will create much motivation because the members feel respectably Regular reviews: Mark and Forgan need to know what the members need and they need to provide it. Besides, they should usually observe the members action to can evaluate, praise and reward valuable to their contribution and efforts Individual development: working environment, it is important element that effect to the members confident, if the company have working environment bad, not only the members feel depressed, but also they will feel worried that whether they are until suitable for the changes, Sound inter-group relationship: when individual members within the team become familiar and acquainted then the connection between individual members is easier, they are easy to connect and exchange information together to get good solution to problems. Individual members will be more excited and motivated when they do the task  [1]  . All the elements above will make the members feel that they work for good company with good environment in which they feel interested in the work and create more opportunities for their the development. Empower colleagues to present their own ideas, develop their own ways of working within agreed boundaries and to provide a lead in their own areas of expertise Empowerment can occur in all organizations and management will empower employees based on the level or degree of their responsibility and authority will provide the employee or group. There are many different levels to empower; it depends on the expertise or experience of each individual. Leaders should choose the right time and empower them in the appropriate areas. Mark and Forgan should believe in their abilities. Everyone has different abilities and if they have the opportunity to express it, it will make them confident to offer their ideas. They are highly competent. When members work together they have team spirit. Mark and Forgan can empower supervisory and management levels in this way can reduce the work of leaders and everyone feels responsible for the job. So, when they are empowered, they are free to make their ideas under the trust of leaders. Mission leaders will be provided directly to employees to make it. it makes self-employed persons in communication with the leaders, they can contact directly with the leaders. It leads to the idea of workers can not go through intermediaries that staff will present ideas in meetings. Employees can decide for them self and feel the flexibility in their work. Mark and Forgan should understand the needs of the people, when empowered; the workers will feel responsible for the job and achieve the g oals of the team. In group, encourage employees to find what they achieved and how they can achieve. They will freely develop new technologies to achieve this goal. Empowerment can bring more success to the team of Mark and Forgan. Moreover, given the right to make the confidence to show that the growth of ideas, creativity, flexibility, understanding of their own region. (Course Book, Working with and leading people, page, 73) Plan or analyse work activities using appropriate objective-setting techniques and processes Target task, goal or standard can be achieved in a reasonable amount of time expected and the resources available. Setting goals it means making plans to do the work: target plan can comply with the objectives of work, standing aims and objectives, outputs or improved targets, the development objectives. Working planning is an importance process which is the tool accomplish target. It helps Mark and Forgans company identify activities and objective. The first steps of planning process identify objective of clearly of company. But in setting up objective process of company, Mark and Forgan shouldnt decide by own ideas that Mark and Forgan should have conference among colleague to share opinion for set up object. Every individual is given targets based on their role and responsibility within the company. Then from those ideas, company set up objective for company. This objective includes desire of company and desire of staffs. The team has to make sure that the predetermined objectives are met at all level (at team level and individual level) Standing aims and objectives: includes quality objectives, issues such as fast and courteous when dealing with customer requirements and quantitative targets so, to have goals, Mark and Forgan need to discuss with employees. In this case, Mark needs some changes in his behavior, and very different styles of leadership. Development goals: The main objective can be divided into team goals and personal goals to try to improve performance and personal skills. Planning will help Mark and Forgan in employee management. Ensure that employees complete its objectives effectively predetermined and ensure the correct time. So, Mark should make a new plan for managing employees so they can promote all of their abilities. Outside the maintenance management plan, Forgan should have personal development goals so that employees can express their abilities. From that, if they understand the responsibilities and duties in their organizations, they can accomplish all the goals of the individual and the aim of the team. The method of setting personal goals and the team will help employees work effectively and encourage staff to work well. Negotiate assignments with colleagues using suitable delegation techniques to motivate and enable colleagues Supervisor negotiate task for staff by delegation techniques. Delegation is a two-way process. Good delegation saves you time, develops you people, grooms a successor, and motivates. Poor delegation will cause you frustration, de-motivates and confuses the other person, and fails to achieve the task or purpose itself. Therefore, they support empower. They are more freedom in work and the right makes decision about resources to achieve goals conveniently. They present easier ideas and do according to own way and own ideas to meet object of company. But in currently, they have more responsibly in their job. Things are motive and enable them to finish task and combine the high performance. Specially, interior decorate need creative themselves and freedom in work with own ways Other things when delegating include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Qualification of subordinate à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Necessity of employee commitment à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Expansion of employee capabilities à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Evidence of shared values and perspectives à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Sufficient time for delegation Some of the technical delegate suitable for both Mark and Forgan to encourage, enable and duty to negotiate with their colleagues: With Mark With Forgan He needs to determine the time, money, staff, training and resources necessary to complete the task. He can access the current workload of colleagues by reviewing and writing a job description and creating a budget period. He can decide what tasks need to be done and identify colleagues will benefit most from the learning experience. He will clearly describe the assignment, where it fits in the big picture with a colleague who will be responsible for it. He needs to determine the time, money, training and resources necessary to complete the task. When performing this step, Mark and his colleagues will clarify what is needed and that Mark is working in partnership with colleagues to help him success. He will provide feedback and support for his colleagues throughout the process and complete it in on top of the work, while not actually doing it is very important. And he must determine the execution time, so this may be a short-term plans, medium and long term. Besides, it will bring stability in the implementation process. He needs to assess the quality of staff, from which he will select the best person for the job (task), besides; they and their colleagues will need to reach decisions. He needs to better define the resources and support, because it will help and support necessary for employees on the job. Resources will include time, money, staffà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ -Any big changes or small should be exchanged between Forgan and his staff, besides; he had to the objectives of the team set up based on the common goals of their organization. He needs to develop and implement procedures to monitor and support the work of regular employees. The same with Mark, Forgan also need regular feedback on performance and working methods of all employees Review development needs and activities and evaluate the effectiveness of activities In order to become a good leader, we need to have skill in constructing feedback. It will help us expand the options and support the development of colleagues. It not only helps the colleagues realise how effective of their works but also help us understand about the needs and expectations of them as well as their capacities. From there, our colleagues can improve themselves and we can satisfy their needs and expectations. There are 2 kinds of feedback which we can use to review the development needs and activities of each individual or team: Motivational feedback: we use it to reward and reinforce positive behaviours by praising and encouraging what they achieve. The main purpose is about increasing confidence and motivation. Developmental feedback: is given when a particular parts need to improve. This kind is used a lot in schools. It helps colleagues know what competence and knowledge need to increase. For Mark, he must use two on for his team. He must have vision and ability to inspire his team to work for the implementation of that vision. For employees, he should know to encourage them, motivate them their work is good. When tasks are not completed on time, he should be comforted and commended the efforts of his team instead of criticizing them. Besides, he should focus on improving the strategy to fit the employee. Changing working methods is essential to Mark. He must think of the benefits of more staff. For Forgan, he was well Motivation to use feedback. Therefore, his staff works in a good mood. They work becomes faster. However, to achieve the highest efficiency, Forgan should focus on improving understanding and enhance the employees place to work fast and quality. Use suitable methods, with clearly defined and relevant criteria and objectives, to assess the performance of colleagues To evaluate the performance of employees based on clearly defined criteria and the relevant and objective, both Mark and Forgan can use 360 degree feedback. Most of the tools 360-degree feedback was answered by each individual in a personal assessment. That supports each individual to understand the strengths and weaknesses, and to contribute to understanding aspects of their work to professional development. So when using a 360-degree feedback to evaluate the performance of their colleagues, it gives them many positive aspects and many supporters: Provide good feedback from colleagues, who reported the supervisor. This could definitely be an improvement on feedback from a single individual. 360 degree feedback can also be saved (Mark and Forgan) is the time where they can spend less energy to provide feedback as many people involved in the process. Colleague awareness is important and this process helps people understand how other employees view their work. Help colleagues learn how to work more effectively together. Multirater feedback makes colleagues more accountable to each other when they share their knowledge that they will provide input into the effectiveness of each colleague. Each a well-planned process can improve communication and development colleagues. The feedback from a number of individuals in different job functions, discrimination of race, age, sex and so is reduced. Forgan which Mark and execution rate based on our most recent interaction with colleagues is also reduced. Identify factors affecting the quality of performance and use these to provide clear and constructive feedback on performance to colleagues. In an organization there are many factors affecting the quality of work, but I think the main factor affecting the quality of activities including: Management style: the way the administration will work and behave with other employees in his company. A good leader who knows how to give employees the company can fully develop their strengths and create a comfortable working environment and friendly in the process of management. Mark and Forgan if possible to do so, quality will be increased activity. Attitude of members we can see that the attitude of the employees will be affected positively or negatively affected by their work and their behavior at the company and company housing. If an employee has a positive attitude to work, they will create efficiency and quality of work will increase. If an employee has a negative attitude to work, they will create a boring atmosphere in the company, quality of work will be reduced. Therefore, when considering this issue, Mark van to change his attitude to the team. Working environment: the number and quality of implementation will be developed to a high level if the employees in company housing and construction companies working in the best environment. Because each will have different demands on the working environment. Therefore, this requires both Mark and Forgan need to understand and grasp the needs of each member. In this way they can create the appropriate environment for staff and for them to promote all of their advantages. The relationship between the members of the housing companies and construction companies: this is one of the main factors affecting the quality of activities. Because, when working together, the relationship between the members has an important role. + If the relationship between members as well, it will help improve performance quality. + If this relationship difficulties (conflict between members), comments operational quality will be reduced. Consequently, when an opinion on this issue, Forgan has been another success, because he has built good relationships with his team, when working with direct supervision. With Mark, he needs to reassess the relationship with employees, and he should change his views about this relationship. Incorporate results of assessments into personal development plans and other organisational procedures for dealing with performance issues After finishing appraisal process, the manage may complete her report with an overall assessment or the jointly reached conclusion of the interviewer with recommendation for result of appraisal. By assesses potential, potential review is the use of appraisal to forecast where and how fast an individual is progress. They need to ensure that the assessment of their colleagues understood. Besides, they also need to make new plans and strategies to develop appropriate plans for individuals and organizations to carry out procedures for dealing with performance problems of their labor. And then, Mark and Forgan should take the action agreed on the creation and promotion for their employees. When making assessments, both Mark and Forgan should make an assessment of potential for their employees. It includes: Network strength and the weakness in the skills of existing employees and quality. Strategic capabilities and repair, renovation and development. Aspirations and attitudes of employees for career development, staying with the organization and handle responsibility. Opportunities available within the organization, including positions with the ability to manage, shift work, plans and policies to promote wealth for the future. Conclusion After the activity, besides we have enough information for assignment, we have learned and improve about team work. The first thing we learned is good teams has to have a good leader and all members in team have to follow him. This is very important thing. The second thing is we must have good schedule because we also have to the assignment of other subject so if we cannot management time, we will fail all of them. Through this activity, we were practice a lot of theories which we learned in class and we also had more experience in teamwork.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Magnetic storage devices

Magnetic storage devices INTRODUCTION: Magnetic storage and magnetic recording are the term that refer to the storage of data on a magnetized medium. Magnetic storage uses different patterns of magnetization in a magnetizable material to store data and is a form of the non volatile memory. Using one or more read/write heads the information is accessed . Magnetic storage stores data by magnetizing microscopic particles on the surface of the device, whether its a disk or it is a magnetic tape. There are several typesof magnetic storage devices such as: Hard Disks, Floppy Disks, and Tapes. They can use Random Access or Sequential Access memory. Some magnetic storage devices can be moved from computer to computer and some cant. Some of them can be easily broken, and some are not, but most are sealed with a protective case. Magnetic storage media and devices store data in the form of tiny magnetised dots. These dots are created, read and erased using magnetic fields created by very tiny electromagnets. In the case of magnetic tape the dots are arranged along the length of a long plastic strip which has been coated with a magnetisable layer (audio and video tapes use a similar technology). In the case of magnetic discs (e.g. floppy disc or hard-drive), the dots are arranged in circles on the surface of a plastic, metal or glass disc that has a magnetisable coating. HISTORY: Oberlin Smith was the first one to publicize magnetic storage in the form of audio recording on a wire in 1888. He filed a patent in September, 1878 but did not pursue the idea as his business was machine tools. The first publicly demonstrated magnetic recorder was invented by Valdemar Poulsen in 1898. Poulsens device recorded a signal on a wire wrapped around a drum. In 1928, Fritz Pfleumer developed the first magnetic tape recorder. Early magnetic storage devices were designed to record analog audio signals. Computer and now most audio and video magnetic storage devices record digital data. Magnetic storage was also used for primary storage in a form of magnetic drum, or core memory, core rope memory, thin film memory, twistor memory or bubble memory at old times. Unlike modern computers, magnetic tape was also often used for secondary storage. Magnetic recording classes Analog recording Analog recording is based on the fact that remnant magnetization of a given material depends on the magnitude of the applied field. The magnetic material is normally in the form of tape, with the tape in its blank form being initially demagnetized. When recording, the tape runs at a constant speed. The writing head magnetizes the tape with current proportional to the signal. A magnetization distribution is achieved along the magnetic tape. Finally, the distribution of the magnetization can be read out, reproducing the original signal. The magnetic tape is typically made by embedding magnetic particles in a plastic binder on polyester film tape. The commonly used magnetic particles are Iron oxide particles or Chromium oxide and metal particles with size of 0.5 micrometers. Analog recording was very popular in audio and video recording. In the past 20 years, however, tape recording has been gradually replaced by digital recording. Digital recording Instead of creating a magnetization distribution in analog recording, digital recording only need two stable magnetic states, which are the +Ms and -Ms on the hysteresis loop. Examples of digital recording are floppy disks and HDDs. Since digital recording is the main process nowadays and probably in the coming future, the details of magnetic recording will be discussed in the rest of the project using the HDD as an example. Magneto-optical recording Magneto-optical recording writes/reads optically. When writing, the magnetic medium is heated locally by a laser, which induces a rapid decrease of coercive field. Then, a small magnetic field can be used to switch the magnetization. The reading process is based on magneto-optical Kerr effect. The magnetic medium are typically amorphous R-Fe Co thin film (R being a rare earth element). Magneto-optical recording is not very popular. One famous example is Minidisc developed by Sony. Domain propagation memory Domain propagation memory is also called bubble memory. The basic idea is to control domain wall motion in a magnetic medium that free of microstructure. Bubble refers to stable cylindrical domain. The information is then recorded by the presence/absence of bubble domain. Domain propagation memory has high insensitivity to shock and vibration, so its application are usually in space and aeronautics. Magnetic Storage Devices: The read/write capability of computer disk drives requires the relative motion of a magnetic media and a read/write magnetic head. Physical contact between the media and the head occurs during loading and unloading cycles. Tailoring the mechanical properties of the media and the head has become critical in order to minimize damage and loss of data. This application note is focused on the mechanical properties of the head slider. The tested head sliders are composed of an Al2O3-TiC composite with a thin 10 -20nm diamond-like-carbon protective overcoat. As shown in Figure 3, the slider surface is composed of two phases, Al2O3 and TiC. The Hysitron Tribo Scope was the first instrument to report hardness differences for two material phases used in head sliders. The TriboScope is a quantitative depth sensing nanoindenter that can be interfaced with a scanning probe microscope to provide This imaging capability distinguishes between phases in a composite material, making it possible to select the phase in which the indentation is to be performed. Once theindentation is performed, the surface is imaged a second timeto characterize the indent. The applied force and the penetration depth of the indenter into the surface are measured simultaneously. The lighter regions in theimage correspond to the TiC phase while the darker regions can be attributed to the Al2O3 phase. The insets in Figure 1 show the indentations made in each phase. Both indentations were performed at the same peak applied force of 50Â µN. Types of magnetic storage devices There are basically two type of storage devices Removable storage devices Fixed storage devices Fixed storage devices Fixed hard drive A hard-drive built into the case of a computer is known as fixed. Almost every computer has a fixed hard-drive. Fixed hard-drives act as the main backing storage device for almost all computers since they provide almost instant access to files (random access and high access speeds). Removal magnetic storage devices Portable Hard Drive A portable hard-drive is one that is placed into a small case along with some electronics that allow the hard-drive to be accessed using a USB or similar connection. Portable hard-drives allow very large amounts of data to be transported from computer to computer. Many portable music players (such as the iPod classic) contain tiny hard-drives. These miniature devices are just not much bigger than a stamp, but can still store over 100MB of data! Magnetic Tape Magnetic tape is a large capacity, serial access medium. Because it is a serial access medium, accessing individual files on a tape is slow. Tapes are used where large amounts of data need to be stored, but where quick access to individual files is not required. A typical use is for data back-up (lots of data, but rarely only accessed in an emergency) Tapes are also used and in some batch-processing applications (e.g. to hold the list of data that will be processed). Floppy Disc A removable, portable, cheap, low-capacity (1.44MB) storage medium. Floppy discs are random access devices used for transfer small amounts of data between computers, or to back-up small files, etc. Access times are slow. Almost every PC used to have a floppy disc drive. These are obsolete now, having been replaced by higher capacity technology such as CD-ROMs, DVDs and USB memory sticks. Zip Disc A removable and portable storage medium, similar in appearance to a floppy disk, but with a much higher capacity (100MB, 250MB or 750MB). Zip discs are random access devices which were used for data back-up or moving large files between computers. Another obsolete storage device, zip discs were a popular replacement for floppy discs for a few years, but they never caught on fully before being superseded by cheaper media like CD-ROMs and CD-Rs Jaz Disc A removable and portable storage medium based on hard-drive technology, with a large capacity (1GB or 2GB). Jaz discs are random access devices which were used for data back-up or moving large files between computers. Discs were expensive to buy and not very reliable. Like the Zip disc, this system never really caught on and was superseded by far cheaper and more reliable and cheaper technology. Overview The Zip system is based loosely on Iomegas earlier Bernoulli Box system; in both systems, a set of read/write heads mounted on a linear actuator flies over a rapidly spinning floppy disk mounted in a sturdy cartridge. The linear actuator uses the voice coil actuation technology, related to modern hard drives. The Zip disk uses smaller media (about the size of a 9 cm (3Â ½) microfloppy, rather than the Compact Disc-sized Bernoulli media), and a simplified drive design that reduced its overall cost. This resulted in a disk that has all of the 9 cm (3Â ½) floppys convenience, but holds much more data, with performance that is much quicker than a standard floppy drive .The original Zip drive had a data transfer rate of about 1 megabyte/second and a seek time of 28 milliseconds on average, compared to a standard 1.44MB floppys 500kbit/s (62.5KB/s) transfer rate and several-hundred millisecond average seek time. Todays average 7200RPM desktop hard drives have average seek times of around 8.5-9ms. Early generation Zip drives were in direct competition with the Super Disk or LS-120 drives, which held 20% more data and could also read standard 3Â ½ 1.44MB diskettes, but they had a lower data transfer rate due to lower rotational speed. The rivalry was over before the dawn of the USB era. Compatibility Higher capacity Zip disks must be used in a drive with at least the same capacity ability. Generally, higher capacity drives also handle lower capacity media. However, the 250MB drive writes much more slowly to 100MB disks than does the 100MB drive, and its unable to perform a long (i.e., thorough) format on a 100MB disk. The 750MB drive cannot write to 100MB disks at all, though they are the cheapest and most common of the three formats. The retroreflective spot differs on the three media sizes such that if a larger disk is inserted in a smaller capacity drive, the disk is immediately ejected again without any attempt being made to access the disk. Current usage As of 2007, common uses of magnetic storage media are for computer data mass storage on hard disks and the recording of analog audio and video works on analog tape. Since much of audio and video production is moving to digital systems, the usage of hard disks is expected to increase at the expense of analog tape. Digital tape and tape libraries are popular for the high capacity data storage of archives and backups. Floppy disks see some marginal usage, particularly in dealing with older computer systems and software. Magnetic storage is also widely used in some specific applications, such as bank checks (MICR) and credit/debit cards (mag stripes). Future A new type of magnetic storage, called MRAM, is being produced that stores data in magnetic bits based on the GMR effect. Its advantage is non-volatility, low power usage, and good shock robustness. However, with storage density and capacity orders of magnitude smaller than e.g. an HDD, MRAM is a niche application for situations where small amounts of storage with a need for very frequent updates are required, which flash memory could not support REFERENCES A.V. Kimel, A. Kirilyuk, P.A. Usachev, R.V. Pisarev, A.M. Balbashov, and Th. Rasing, Ultrafast non-thermal control of magnetization by instantaneous photomagnetic pulses, Nature, 435, 655 (2005). F. Hansteen, A.V. Kimel, A. Kiriluyk, and Th. Rasing, Femtosecond photomagnetic switching of spins in ferrimagnetic garnet films, Phys. Rev. Lett., 95, 047402 (2005). GUPTA J.B, Electronic devices and circuit, 3rd edition

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Devotee Autoethnography ::

Devotee Autoethnography Eyes closed on cherubic faces of holy devotion, chanting Hindu gibberish to wheezing harmoniums, clanging tambourines, untuned guitars, rattles, bells, sticks, and perhaps a vigorous but poorly-rehearsed set of tablas†¦ â€Å"She’s a breather,† they say, either in friendliness to jest, or patronizingly to criticize. And usually, not much evidence is revealed to complicate the minimized label. â€Å"Well, basically, we get together, breathe, and then sing a little bit.† This is usually the line into which I condense my participation in The Art of Living—to cram it into a nut shell, and to present it as outsiders would be likely to perceive it if spying from a fly’s perch. My own introduction to this culture happened slowly, and not too long ago, so I still feel the tension of sliding into an unknown community as an outsider, and still experience hesitation describing the group to others for fear of bad reactions or scathing judgment. I think it has much to do with the big, bad g-word. When people, especially in independence-loving USA, hear the word â€Å"guru,† an oozing blanket of mistrust, disgust, and dismissal creeps up from the nether regions of media consciousness and visions of kool-aid, snake-dancers, and comet-chasers seem to choke the life of any words possibly to follow. The g-word however, when followed—as is inevitable—by the c-word, often shuts out the possibility of following words all together. As my mother would say, â€Å"It smells like a cult to me.† Despite my adamant denials that I could be involved with anything remotely resembling a cult, the first time I realized that I was definitely a part o f this culture had to do with the chilling consideration that a cult was exactly what this was and, somehow.†¦I belonged to it. I had traveled from San Diego with a few members of my Art of Living family (as many grow accustomed to referring one another) to an â€Å"advanced course† in LA. Such a course is offered occasionally to graduates of the â€Å"introductory course†Ã¢â‚¬â€a six-day workshop of yoga postures, yogic breathing, and introspection. We knew not what to expect of this upcoming workshop, other than that it would be â€Å"challenging.† Perhaps our first taste of this manifested on the first evening, when we waded through seventy pairs of shoes piled at the entryway of a private house toward a living room crammed with the shoes’ owners. Devotee Autoethnography :: Devotee Autoethnography Eyes closed on cherubic faces of holy devotion, chanting Hindu gibberish to wheezing harmoniums, clanging tambourines, untuned guitars, rattles, bells, sticks, and perhaps a vigorous but poorly-rehearsed set of tablas†¦ â€Å"She’s a breather,† they say, either in friendliness to jest, or patronizingly to criticize. And usually, not much evidence is revealed to complicate the minimized label. â€Å"Well, basically, we get together, breathe, and then sing a little bit.† This is usually the line into which I condense my participation in The Art of Living—to cram it into a nut shell, and to present it as outsiders would be likely to perceive it if spying from a fly’s perch. My own introduction to this culture happened slowly, and not too long ago, so I still feel the tension of sliding into an unknown community as an outsider, and still experience hesitation describing the group to others for fear of bad reactions or scathing judgment. I think it has much to do with the big, bad g-word. When people, especially in independence-loving USA, hear the word â€Å"guru,† an oozing blanket of mistrust, disgust, and dismissal creeps up from the nether regions of media consciousness and visions of kool-aid, snake-dancers, and comet-chasers seem to choke the life of any words possibly to follow. The g-word however, when followed—as is inevitable—by the c-word, often shuts out the possibility of following words all together. As my mother would say, â€Å"It smells like a cult to me.† Despite my adamant denials that I could be involved with anything remotely resembling a cult, the first time I realized that I was definitely a part o f this culture had to do with the chilling consideration that a cult was exactly what this was and, somehow.†¦I belonged to it. I had traveled from San Diego with a few members of my Art of Living family (as many grow accustomed to referring one another) to an â€Å"advanced course† in LA. Such a course is offered occasionally to graduates of the â€Å"introductory course†Ã¢â‚¬â€a six-day workshop of yoga postures, yogic breathing, and introspection. We knew not what to expect of this upcoming workshop, other than that it would be â€Å"challenging.† Perhaps our first taste of this manifested on the first evening, when we waded through seventy pairs of shoes piled at the entryway of a private house toward a living room crammed with the shoes’ owners.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The notebook Essay -- essays research papers fc

Outline I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  About the author A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The author of The Notebook is Nicholas Sparks B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sparks was born in Omaha, Nebraska, on New Year’s Eve. C.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He has been on the New York best seller’s list. II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Characters A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Noah Calhoun 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He is not a very wealthy person. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He loves to read poetry because of his shudder problem when he was smaller. B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Allie Nelson 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  She is very wealthy. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  She loves to paint pictures. III.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Plot Summary A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In North Carolina, Noah is haunted by images of the girl he loved and lost along time ago. B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Allie is about to marry a wealthy lawyer, but she cannot stop thinking about the boy who long ago stole her heart. The Notebook   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Just after Graduation 1932, the opening night of the Neuse River Festival, Noah met his friends Fin and Sarah there. Fin and Sarah were talking to a girl that Noah thought was beautiful, her name was Allie. They hung out at the festival and drank some cherry Cokes until it closed. After that Noah and Allie could not be kept apart. They spent the summer days falling in love and h...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Can Classical and Operant Conditioning Account for the Development of Phobias?

Can classical and operant conditioning account for the development of phobias? Classical conditioning involves pairing an unconditioned stimulus with a conditioned stimulus. The conditioned stimulus then produces a conditioned response. Operant conditioning then refers to associations between the response and the outcome. The following essay will examine evidence supporting classical and operant conditioning as a cause of phobias.Other theories, such as biological and evolutionary, will also be taken into account, as conditioning theory is criticised for a number of reasons. Psychologists have suggested phobias develop as a consequence of conditioning, and many phobics can remember a specific episode which caused the onset of their phobia (Freud, 1909; Ost and Hugdahl, 1981). However, research suggests it is not necessary for a specific episode to occur to change behaviour. Kirsch et al (2004) studied rats in a maze.They were left to explore before food was introduced, at which point errors in the rats' route through the maze were reduced significantly. This suggests the rats learned to navigate when they were not reinforced for learning, and they formed cognitive maps without reinforcement. This evidence of latent learning suggests learning can occur without classical conditioning. Davey (1992) also found many phobics do not remember a particular aversive conditioning episode, claiming they have had their phobia since they could remember.This suggests their phobia may have developed without conditioning. Instead there may be, for example, a biological aspect of developing phobias. There are certain phobias, such as for snakes and spiders, which are more common than others. Mineka and Ohman (2002) suggested primates and humans can quickly associate these objects with frightening events because they have evolved to do so; these objects posed a threat to their ancestors.To support this evoluntionary theory, Cook and Mineka (1989) exposed monkeys to various object s, and found they easily acquired new fears of toy snakes and crocodiles, but did not develop fears of flowers. They suggested this is because they had no prior exposure to flowers in a frightening episode. While this research may still suggest conditioning theory is a factor in the development of phobias, as the primates still learnt to fear the object, evolution may also be a factor of phobia development.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Angles and Demons by Dan Brown Essay

Angles and Demons by Dan Brown was a reading choice out of curiosity rather than real interest because of the Da Vinci Code by the same author. I wanted to see what other works of fiction Dan Brown came up with before his controversial book. This book had me raising my eyebrows more than a few times with story line but that did not stop me from turning the pages until I got to the end. Angels and Demons basically follows the same formula as the Da Vinci Code. It begins with a murder which only Robert Langdon seems capable of solving with his knowledge of religious iconology and history; a strong female character, Vittoria Vetra, daughter to the murder victim Leonardo Vetra, assists Langdon in his â€Å"quest†; a hired assassin who is delusional, a fanatic and has unquestionable loyalty to his belief carries out an unforeseen but well-crafted plan; an ancient secret society, the Illuminati, is out to get revenge on the Church; finally, an unexpected mastermind who calls himself as Janus, works behind the curtains. An anti-matter canister was stolen from CERN when Leonardo Vetra was murdered and this is assumed to have a life span of 24 hours before the batteries die and it explodes. Brown remains true to using archaic bits of knowledge to leave a trail for Robert Langdon and Vittoria Vetra to follow from Switzerland to the Vatican City in order to find the missing anti-matter canister and find the murderer of Leonardo Vetra. The plot thickens when the anti-matter canister bomb threatens the Vatican and the conclave in the process of choosing the new Pope. The book ends dramatically with a seemingly miraculous event followed by the declaration of a new Pope. Though I enjoyed the chase more from Angels and Demons rather than the Da Vinci Code, I must say that, as a priest, Brown seems have some issues with the Church to come up with troubling concepts for his books. First you have Leonardo Vetra, a priest who turns away from the Church. He becomes a leading physicist of CERN and, together with his adopted daughter, tries to find God through science and research. They seem to be successful with the development of the anti-matter, which was stolen when Vetra was murdered. You also have a Pope who sired a child with a nun, though through artificial means. The child later becomes his camerlengo, the Pope’s Chamberlain. The camerlengo, Carlo Ventresca, unaware of his paternal parentage, murders the Pope upon knowing his dark secret with the belief that he is both cleansing and protecting the Church. Though the book is admittedly a work of fiction, it borders on tarnishing how Catholics and non-Catholics may view the Church and its priests. Brown puts into question the honesty and loyalty of priests to the Mother Church and their commitment to the vow of celibacy, as seen with the Pope. It is appalling to think that Jesus’ surrogates on Earth would be the first ones to violate their vows. Brown also pits religion versus science. Leonardo Ventra is murdered for his research on anti-matter which can supposedly prove the beginning of life, that science can prove God’s existence. I’d like to think that religion is a matter of faith and science is a matter of fact, the two just can’t mix when it comes to explaining God. Then you have the camerlengo who is himself delusional and a fanatic in his belief that the Church, and not science, is the saving power of the world with himself at the wheel of salvation. He goes to great lengths to get the world’s attention, discredit Science and put the Church on a pedestal for the world to see. Angels and Demons made me uncomfortable with the image of the Church that it created – a divided, secretive, vindictive and vulnerable body. Readers, both Catholics and non-Catholics should be discriminating of the events in this book, lest they forget that this is only a work of fiction.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Chinese Parenting vs. Western Parenting

English 101 Prof. Shapiro Chinese Parenting vs. Western Parenting Everyone who has come to America came for specific reasons: to make a living, to raise a family and, moreover, watch their children do the same. I grew up surrounded by family that only spoke about getting the best education, so that when we grow up we would be someone who carries on the family name, be someone who is renowned, that pronounced that whatever we were to thrive for throughout our lives, to make the best out of it. Just like Asian parents, my parents had certain expectations from my siblings and I as well.As I interviewed my father, I learnt the way he has helped raise us, is quite similar to my grandmothers. Even though they had the qualities of Western parents by being strict yet not destructing our self-image, their philosophy of raising children was similar to Chinese parenting, they stressed for us to achieve academic success. Combination of both has shown me how important persistent parents are. Educ ation was really vital to my parents upon growing up, they were always concerned about our homework, studying, meeting teachers at school and especially extra curricular  activities.They had several restrictions, yet they were vigilant; they didn’t bind us from having the liberty of our own, but it helped them steer us in the right pathway. I remember well, as soon as we would arrive home from school we were ordered to do our homework, and study for what was required, and if we fortunately had free time before going to sleep we were allowed to watch our favorite shows before going to bed. If we had a test the following day, we knew that we would have to watch television on the weekend instead. Even if we didn’t do as good as they would want us to on our test; they would still praise us for our effort.The praise was an element of Western parenting, gave essence to our relationship with them, I believe if my parents didn’t assimilate with us as well as they did, or embrace our flaws in a subject, our parents wouldn’t be as close and understanding to us. It gave me a sense of understanding that my parents understand me as well, and want for us to do as well as we can. â€Å"The concept of â€Å"self-esteem† was non-existence to them. When I asked my father what his parents expected of him he said, â€Å"well, they wanted us to do well in school but most importantly they wanted us to be disciplined. He said â€Å"we were made sure to greet our elders with respect, and if mistakenly we didn’t, we were put in out places right in front of them However, even though he follows his parents methods in raising us, he makes we understand it. â€Å"Once when I was young, maybe more than once, when I was extremely disrespectful to my mother, my father angrily called me â€Å"garbage† in our native Hokkien dialect† stated by Amy Chua in her essay, my father thinks otherwise, He would sit and talk to us about respect ing the elders, just so he knows he’s not damaging our self-esteem with shallow harsh words.Some of the activities we were restricted of included not going to sleepovers, it was part of the few things we weren’t allowed to do. However, they made it up to us by allowing us to attend birthday parties, as we started to get older. I never really understood as to why my parents would not allow us to do so, but I believe it was for our own benefit. Living in the United States with diverse religions, it was crucial to my parents to do whatever they could to preserve it. Whatever they have done, they take it as their most prized accomplishment. Since we were young, we were put in an Islamic school, from elementary till high school.We understood from a young age that religion was a significant part of our lives. When I began attending Islamic school in second grade, I had no idea why I wore the headscarf as the uniform along with long black dress-type clothing. As I got older a nd matured I understood my religion with greater insight, and along with that I understood why our parents put my sister and I in an Islamic school. As I got to high school, it was as if my parents left the understanding of Islam upon us, that’s where I recognized the western qualities of their values, they now understand that the insight we have is going to last with us forever.Now that we’ve grown up friends of my parents ask them how they have raised such children, as it is hard to achieve that here in America, which is always answered with â€Å"a little control goes a long way. † Comparing the two styles of parenting, we’ve seen the struggles they’ve been through to get us where we are today, and it is only fair that we do the same in return even though it may never be enough, we know that they would appreciate it just as much. Word Count: – 863

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Beautiful Disaster Essay

Beautiful Disaster Shakespearean scholar M. R. Ridley suggests that the theme of Othello centers on the conflict between â€Å"reason and instinct. † There is main reason of why did Iago go to Othello accusing his wife of cheating. And the instinct Othello had to kill his wife Desdemona due to these accusations. Shakespeare has many underlying and reoccurring themes throughout as well. One major theme is that of betrayal and loyalty. During the entire play, every character is either loyal to, or betrays another character. In the case of Othello, like all other tragedies, it is the passion of the hero hat is the root of all the action of the play that destroys the hero. Iago was the master of manipulation. lagds fearlessness and over-confidence while he manipulates people causes him to make mistakes that lead him to his death. As he carried traits of psychopaths with no remorse, he was obsessive towards other people’s lives, relentless on his actions, bold in his choices, and a genius in his efforts to manipulate and deceive the other characters†particularly Othello. His unclear motivations derived from the will to play on each team and play them like puppets. It ll began with poor Roderigo who Just wanted to win over the heart of sweet Desdemona and when he noticed his efforts weren’t working, he wanted to â€Å"go drown himself. † Iago disgusted at the thought because he would never â€Å"kill myself out of love for some woman I can’t have. † The indescribable feeling of wanting someone without the want in return will drive some crazy. In lagds eyes, if Roderigo was foolish enough to do that, than he would be even more susceptible to lagds manipulating ways to think he was actually helping him. IVe rubbed this young pimple until he’s ready to pop, and now he’s angry,† (5. 1 . ). Iago didn’t Just stab people in the back or sabotage anyone. He plots and wisely plants his seeds so he looks like the good guy in the end while using people’s weaknesses against their selves and each other. Iago spends most of his time plotting against Othello and Desdemona. His cleverness and ability to get closer to the other characters while simultaneously bringing them down is genius. Othello is tempted by the beauty, position, and compassion that Desdemona can give him in marriage. He’s an experienced man who should know that their differences may bring problems but he ignores the possibility of trouble. Their differences, particularly Othello’s race and age linger in his mind causing some uneasiness. He’s tempted to believe that Desdemona is unfaithful when Iago begins his torment. Othello is easily led by lagcfs games that not only caused problems but the death of four people. If Othello used his conscious he could have prevented the tragedy. The infamous white and red handkerchief repeatedly comes up throughout the play. It was essentially the final straw for Othello that pushed him over the edge with the rumor of his wife’s infidelity. It was a token of love from Othello to Desdemona that had a lot of entimental value. The handkerchief also seems to function as a symbol of Othello’s mysterious past and his exoticness. He tells Desdemona that an Egyptian charmer gave it to his mother and that it would keep his father faithful (3. 4. 9). Such a small jealous mind. A small misunderstanding can be magnified psychologically into grounds of love or betrayal. Desdemona and Othello’s relationship was a lot like most relationships that happen today. They were very much in love, almost too much in love, with no trust or respect to make it last a lifetime. In marriage, it should be your spouse’s word over anything. Well in Othello’s case it was the opposite. He took the most harmful information that would break any marriage up if it were true and he completely ran with it. It brings us back to the theme of betrayal and loyalty. From Othello’s point of view do you believe the possible betrayal of your beloved wife or do you go along with the loyalty of your lieutenant that would never do you wrong? Tough choice although in the time of the play it was to be seen that all women were whores and cheating on your husband was common. Desdemona was as faithful as they come. While Iago was busy digging his nose in other people’s love life, his wife Emilia was the one to say: Who wouldn’t cheat on her husband to make him king? I’d risk my soul for that (4. 3. 4). As Desdemona is preparing for bed the night she was killed, she starts singing a song about willow tree. The song was sung originally by one of Desdemona’s mother’s servants who loved a crazy guy which reflects Desdemona’s own situation. Othello is so wounded by the thought of Desdemona’s betrayal that he’s blinded to everything except his own pain. Once he decides to end his pain by ending her life, nothing Desdemona says or swears by can make him look beyond himself for the truth. In the beginning of the play, Shakespeare establishes the dignity, nobility, and heroism of Othello by making him out to be this fantastic, well rounded guy. He was a highly respected general of the armies of Venice respected by all those around him. Othello’s elevated status is easy prey for Iago with his insecurities due to his age, his life as a soldier, and being a racial and cultural outsider. According to Professor Stoll, it may be correct when he says that â€Å"In no case does Shakespeare represent men as overwhelmed by anything so vague and neutral as social forces,† but he is surely incorrect when he adds, â€Å"or as devoured by heir own passions alone. Othello thinks that using denial and disbelief will solve his problems regarding Desdemona. He refuses to believe anything she says in her defense. He won’t believe lagds wife Emilia when she swears Desdemona is faithful; and disbelieves Desdemona’s words of innocence when he first accuses her. He overlooks her devotion and innocence as if she didn’t give up her home, family, and entire life to be with him. In spite of all the evidence